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Bouwinvest Real Estate Investors B.V. (‘Bouwinvest’ or ‘the company’), with its head office in Amsterdam, at La Guardiaweg 4, is a private company with limited liability incorporated on 9 October 2002. The Company is registered with the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce under number 34180506. Bouwinvest’s objective is to provide real estate investment services to the Stichting Bedrijfstakpensioenfonds voor de Bouwnijverheid (pension fund for the Dutch construction industry - bpfBOUW), to other institutional investors and to bpfBOUW group companies as defined in article 2:24b of the Dutch Civil Code.

Bouwinvest is an investment manager specialised in real estate for institutional investors. Bouwinvest manages five Dutch sector funds. Bouwinvest also manages a separate mandate for BpfBOUW for real estate investments in Europe, North America and the Asia-Pacific region. In the Netherlands, the management services cover the entire real estate chain, from acquisition, development and redevelopment to asset management and disposal. For the international investments, the management services consist primarily of defining the real estate investment strategy, fund selection and monitoring the performance of the selected fund managers and funds.

Group relationships

The company is part of a group, headed by bpfBOUW in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. All shares in the company are held by bpfBOUW. The company’s financial information is included in the financial statements of bpfBOUW. Copies are available in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce, as well as on the bpfBOUW website.

In connection with its foreign offices in Sydney and New York, Bouwinvest has two subsidiaries: Bouwinvest Asia Pacific PTY LTD (Australia) and Bouwinvest North America LLC (USA). Bouwinvest holds 100% of the shares in these companies.

Consolidated companies:

Company name

Registered office


Bouwinvest Asia Pacific Pty Ltd



Bouwinvest North America LLC

New York


Non-consolidated companies:

Company name

Registered office


Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Residential Fund N.V.



Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Retail Fund N.V.



Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Office Fund



Although Bouwinvest holds less than 20% of the shares in Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Residential Fund N.V., Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Retail Fund N.V. and Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Office Fund, these interests are classified as associated companies due to the following circumstances: (1) Bouwinvest’s representation in the management of the associated companies and (2) involvement of the participating legal entity in the determination of the strategy of the associated company. This means that Bouwinvest can exercise significant influence in these companies.

Fiscal unity for value added tax

Bouwinvest and bpfBOUW are a fiscal unity for the purposes of value added tax (VAT group), also including Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Hotel Fund N.V. (and its subsidiaries), Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Healthcare Fund N.V. (and its subsidiary) and Bouwinvest Development B.V.

 The VAT group exists since 1 January 2016; the companies in this fiscal unity file their VAT returns independently. 

Bouwinvest's right to deduct VAT, as part of this fiscal unity, has been estimated at a percentage of 28,3% which is the actual percentage for the year 2022. 

Principles of consolidation

Bouwinvest’s consolidated financial statements include the financial information of the companies that are part of the group and those of other legal entities over which Bouwinvest can exert decisive control and over which it has central control. The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies of Bouwinvest.

The financial information of Bouwinvest is included in the consolidated financial statements, so pursuant to the option offered by article 2:402 of the Dutch Civil Code, a condensed statement of profit or loss is included in the company financial statements.

The financial information of the group companies and other legal entities and companies included in the consolidation are included in full in the consolidated financial statements, while intra-group relations and transactions have been eliminated.