15 Equity attributable to shareholders of Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Retail Fund N.V.
For 2023, before appropriation of profit
16 Non-current lease liabilities
The average discount rate used for discounting the lease payments is 3%.
17 Current trade and other payables
The other payables relates to other provisions (€ 0.3 million) and promotional contributions to be paid out (€ 0.2 million).
18 Earnings per share
Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net profit attributable to shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year.
19 Dividends per share
In 2023, the Fund paid out a dividend of € 120.59 per share (2022: € 106.99) which amounts to a total of € 44.7 million (2022: € 39.6 million).
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