5 Focusing on investor interest
The key to Bouwinvest’ s future is being able to understand the interests of our investors and consistently acting in line with these interests. This pertains foremost to the current clients in the funds and mandates and additionally to potential investors in current and future products that Bouwinvest may develop and launch. Bouwinvest is keenly aware that investor requirements and demands are increasing and becoming more complex and that we will need to expand our breadth and depth of skills and experience in order to address these and continuously act in current and future investors interests.
Bouwinvest takes a pro-active approach to transparency and openness and includes its clients in discussions on specific topics concerning investments. In 2023 these included subjects such as the updated ESG policy and our efforts with regards to the Paris proof commitment, the updated hurdle rate methodology, court rulings regarding a provision in the residential rental contracts and further regulation of the Dutch residential (affordable rent) market. We also provided information about internal organizational changes relating to #Invest and the new operating model as of 1 January 2024.
Every year Bouwinvest undertakes a survey among clients and other stakeholders. Every two years, Bouwinvest conducts a survey to assess client satisfaction. This survey covers topics such as satisfaction with the level of client service and the strategy and performance of the respective investment fund(s), financially as well as on ESG matters. This generally is a qualitative study consisting of interviews with a selected but representative group of investors. The quantitative research (in 2023) generated a score of 7.4. Areas for improvement include more to the point reporting and providing more detailed information on concrete actions related to sustainability. The other year we conduct a reputation survey among clients and other stakeholders. This survey measures the degree of credibility and trust. The way stakeholders look at Bouwinvest is important to meet our clients' needs. In 2022 the score for the reputation survey was 7.8.